Our Rules.


Auction Frogs requires that you read, understand, accept, and comply with the following terms and conditions in order to participate in a fundraiser hosted by us. In the event, you participate in this fundraiser and purchase and/or win an item, when you “Agree” you are entering a binding contract with the host organization and you have an obligation to pay for the item/s.


You must be at least 18 years of age and able to form legally binding contracts under applicable law.

Bidding Close

“Bidding Close” means online bidding for the fundraiser has ended. Additional bids and purchases can not be made however, you can make a contribution towards a Donation Item.

Absentee Bidding

Absentee Bidding is an electronic bid that the live auctioneer or clerk will administer on your behalf up to your stated maximum bid. Simply enter and confirm the highest amount you are willing to pay for the item. Your stated amount will be used at the Live Auction Event when live bidding occurs. If you are the highest winning bidder, you will be notified by the event organizer.

Payment Terms

If you are the winning bidder, you agree to pay the organization the full amount of the winning bid plus any applicable sales and use tax, shipping, or delivery charges. You agree to honor the organization’s requirements regarding method and time of payment. See each organization’s Payment Instructions.

All Bids are Final

Once you have placed and confirmed a bid, your bid can not be retracted unless mutually agreed upon by Auction Frogs, LLC and the organization hosting the auction.

Government Regulations & Taxes

You are solely responsible for compliance with all tax laws governing your purchase. It is your responsibility to report and pay any applicable taxes. Consult a professional tax advisor with questions.

Fundraiser Changes

Organizations reserve the right to make changes to their Fundraiser at any time without notices.

Acceptance of Terms of Service

You must read, understand, accept and comply with Auction Frogs LLC Terms and Conditions of the Fundraiser Service.

"*" indicates required fields

Your Name*
Email Address*
Fundraiser Date*
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What package/s are you interested in?*
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This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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